If you love sharing Wordfence, apply to join our new affiliate program
Today, we are officially launching the Wordfence Affiliate Program.
If you love securing WordPress and are passionate about helping make the Web a safer place, click here to apply to the program now.
This is an exciting opportunity for us to give back to our incredible community who have been sharing Wordfence with their friends, clients, customers, and followers for over a decade. We wouldn’t be where we are today without the help of over 5 million Wordfence users trusting our plugin so much that they share it with people in their personal and professional lives on a daily basis.
Our affiliate program is a new way for our most passionate advocates to help their clients, customers, and friends discover peace of mind and secure their user community by installing Wordfence. It’s also a fantastic new way to earn high-paying commissions by genuinely helping people.
If you are approved, you can grab your affiliate links to various Wordfence products and services, and start promoting and earning as soon as today. |
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